Saturday, October 12, 2019

This video is from when I ate at a restaurant.
 The name of this restaurant is Miya steak.
We can eat delicious meal a low price there.
I like this restaurant.

A rice pressure cooker in Japan

I use a rice pressure cooker.
This movie is my rice cooker.
 This rice cooker is meddle class in Japan.
 It is sold 30000 yen from to 40000 yen.
 I am satisfied with it.

Japanese people eat raw shrimp

We eat raw fish and shrimp.
This movie is when we ate raw shrimp in my house.
I bought these shrimps at Costco in Japan.
They are 1600 yen.

How reasonable!

I ate two shrimp raw and  I ate others baked.

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Recommended souvenirs from Hokkaido in Japan

 I will introduce the famous Japanese Hokkaido souvenirs.
I likes them .
I have bought them repeatedly.

Watch this movie.

1.Shiroikoibito by Ishiyaseika
2.Double Fromage by Letao
3.Raisin sand by Rokkatei
4.Nama chocolate by Roise
5.Chocomaron by Rokkatei